I will use this blog to do three things. One, provide a voice of opposition to the liberal controlled government. Two, to track their progress on promises they made to get elected (to see if they ever deliver.) Three, to vent, educate, and to work through my own frustration. Please read the ground rules if you wish to respond to this blog.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

What Can I Say?

I haven’t written anything in a week. Not from a lack of fodder.

Everywhere I turn there is another issue, another problem, another lie, and another Obamanation.

I can’t keep up with them all.

Which one do I address?

1. The corrupt political system in Illinois that Obama says he has nothing to do with? (snicker, oh come on, really?)

2. The Civilian National Security Force that is developing while we all worry about the financial crisis?

3. How about the fact that the media is allowing Obama to back pedal away from nearly half of his promises made that he used to “buy” this election?

4. Or what about the elitist, no experience, all theoretical appointments he is making to his Cabinet?

5. I should be writing about Liberal Fascism that has already begun to target religions. This, by far is the most important, but no one is reading this blog anyway.

The truth this, there is too much to write about. Our country is in shambles, and all most people care about is what they are getting for Christmas. That is why we are in such trouble. We have delegated our political responsibilities to our “representatives” so we can live our lives. What we don’t understand is that those representatives have robbed us of our future.


Vanessa Shannon said...

I agree totally....and I read your blog so you at least have one reader ;)

Anji said...

I read it too! I check it every day and am disappointed when you haven't posted! Thanks for being "my voice"!
*I went to college with Loreen. she turned me on to your blog!

Loreen Bliss said...

See, I told you my cousin was worth reading, Anji! Thanks for tuning in! :) I agree with you John that there is too much to write about!